Aktuelle Events

Nia-Stunden, Nia-Playshops, Nia-Events & more

Schau gerne immer mal wieder hier vorbei oder lass dich zeitnah über Nia-Aktivitäten in Las Terrenas informieren in meiner Nia Whatsapp-Gruppe oder bei meinem Nialetter.

Kommende Events

Ab Oktober 2024 findest du hier wieder zu den besonderen Nia-Events. Inzwischen kannst du dich gerne auch bei meinem Nialetter anmelden und auf diesem Weg informiert sein.

23. Okt - 26. Okt 2025, Nia-Class täglich

Jeden Tag 8.30 am - 9.30 am at Punta Popy Beach

Vergangene Events

25. Nov 2023, 10.30 am *** FREE *** Nia Masterclass at YogaLifeVilla

Nia Gabriele Schlick

The Power of FAMSS


Nia is a holistic body-centered way of movement experience. To find health and stay healthy it is essentiell to move your body in as many different ways as possible. 


In this playshop we will experience the powerful transformational potential of all these different movement forms: flexibility, agility, mobility, strength and stability.


Enrich your body’s way to move with new body experiences - love your body - love your life. 


Call me for registration: +1 809 866 6868

28. Okt 2023, 10.00 am *** FREE *** Nia Masterclass at YogaLifeVilla

Nia at YogaLifeVilla

The magic of happy hips – a holistic movement experience for body, mind and spirit.


Joy in life has many aspects - one is inviting the body to move in a supportive and varied way. In Nia we want to regain and maintain your ability to move your body joyfully and, above all, painlessly.


In this masterclass we will focus on our hips and their immense potential to support, stabilize and liberate our Joy of life. The intention of this movement experience called Nia is always to support our health and increase our life force energy.

The best way to get to know Nia is to do it - come and share your joy of movement with us. Give your hips the chance to smile :-) Contact me for more registration.

21. Okt - 26. Okt 2023, Nia-Class on the beach of Punta Popy

Every day, 8.30 am - 9.30 am at Punta Popy Beach

18. Okt 2023, 6.30 pm *** FREE *** Nia Masterclass at YogaLifeVilla

Nia at YogaLifeVilla

The magic of happy hips – a holistic movement experience for body, mind and spirit.


Joy in life has many aspects - one is inviting the body to move in a supportive and varied way. In Nia we want to regain and maintain your ability to move your body joyfully and, above all, painlessly.


In this masterclass we will focus on our hips and their immense potential to support, stabilize and liberate our Joy of life. The intention of this movement experience called Nia is always to support our health and increase our life force energy.

The best way to get to know Nia is to do it - come and share your joy of movement with us. Give your hips the chance to smile :-) Contact me for more registration.

13. Okt - 19. Okt 2023, Nia-Class on the beach of Punta Popy

Every friday, 8.30 am - 9.30 am, Las Ballenas Rio

18. Feb - 31. Mar 2023, Nia-Class on the beach of Las Ballenas

Every friday, 9.00 am - 10.00 am, Las Ballenas Rio

14. Okt - 30. Nov 2022, Nia-Class on the beach of Las Ballenas

Every friday, 9.00 am - 10.00 am, Las Ballenas Rio